Case Study – The Challenge For Overseas Franchises In Australia

Australia is a lucrative market for overseas franchise brands looking to expand. But caution is required and local expert help is always the best way forward.

Case Study – When Contracts Go Bad. A Contract Dispute Story

When companies try to use free contracts the results can be disastrous. One client found out the hard way how free legals are often the most expensive.

Case Study – Bringing a Franchise Idea to Life

A good idea for a franchise is not enough to be successful. Franchise incubation is crucial to ensure a great franchise idea is properly developed prior to launch.

Case Study – International Franchise Expansion

A growing franchise faced a problem expanding into overseas markets

Case Study – When a Franchise Grows Too Quickly

When a booming franchise system outgrows its franchise agreement.

Case Study – Avoiding Employee Use of Confidential Data

When an ex-employee steals your confidential customer data it's time to do something about it